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Privacy Policy

Your privacy is very important to us at CPR Course online . Detailed below are the extensive measures taken to ensure your safety and privacy.

This document describes the privacy policies practiced by CPR Course online, as it applies to their customers and offered services.

It covers the collection, use and disclosure of personal information that may be collected by CPR Course online anytime you interact with American Health Care Academy, such as when you purchase American Health Care Academy’s courses, visit our Web site, or when you request our customer support/information. For your understanding please read the following to learn about our information practices, what information we collect, how it is used, to whom we disclose this information, and how we protect your information.


At CPR Course online we recognize that protection of your privacy is important. This document outlines the personal information we receive and collect when you use American Health Care Academy’ services. We hope that this will answer your questions and enable you to determine if you would like to share your personal information with us.

Personal Data That we collect

The services we offer require for you to register for an account and provide us with some basic personal information.

  • Data you provide: Maecenas elementum vel neque sed venenatis. Integer iaculis egestas nibh fermentum varius. Sed ornare, est sit amet bibendum elementum, neque enim venenatis urna, fringilla lobortis est velit egestas libero. Cras luctus suscipit sapien bibendum molestie. Curabitur sed mollis nunc.
  • Email communication: When you send CPR Course online an email (or other communication), we may retain these to fully process your requests, and record purposes.
  • Web cookies: When you visit CPR Course online one or more times a cookie – a small file of text sent by a server to a web browser; after which a message is sent back to the server each time the browser requests a page from the server – may be stored in your computer. Most browsers are setup to accept these cookies, but you can reset your browser to refuse or clear cookies.
  • Other sites: This privacy policy applies only to pages and services owned by CPR Course online We have no control over sites that may appear as search results or links from our services. These other sites may be results of Web cookies or existing files on your computer, which may also be extracting information from you.

How We May Use Your Personal Data

  • We will use your personal information for printing and mailing out your official certificate and wallet card, after you have successfully completed the course.
  • The billing information you provide will be used by authorize.net to compensate (pay) for CPR Course online training services; after you have consented to pay.
  • We may also use your personal information with third parties, when/if required by legal processes.
  • We will use this information to contact you if we have any questions regarding the courses you enrolled in, incorrect mailing/email address, or in correspondence of support, technical problems, & etc.
  • We will maintain your personal information (except billing information) as needed for company records.
  • We will use your personal information for printing and mailing out your official certificate and wallet card, after you have successfully completed the course.
  • Note: You can decline to provide us with personal information. However, American Health Care Academy’s services will not properly function or function at all as a result.

Privacy Protection

  • We will not share or sell your personal information without your consent, unless ordered by law.
  • We will have record of the billing information you provide to on the CPR Course online Web site; however this information can only be accessed by authorize.net.
  • We take security measures to protect against misuse, loss and/or data alteration by our system. However, we are not liable for any personal information that you submit to CPR Course online All the information that you provide to American Health Care Academy is submitted at your own risk.
  • We are not held liable if there is a security breach on authorize.net.

Privacy Questions

If you have questions or concerns about American Health Care Academy’s Privacy Policy please email us at [email protected]

What is personal information?

Personal information is what we collect when you first register with CPR Course online This includes your first and last name, mailing address, e-mail address, phone number, billing information, and previous course history. Your name, address, and e-mail address is used for your official course completion certificate and wallet card. Any billing information that is provided is directed to authorize.net.