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Different Types of Bandages and Their Uses

Last Updated on: August 1, 2024

Bandages are beneficial to treat when someone gets hurt. From a tiny paper cut to a gaping wound, different bandages are used during first aid and more advanced medical treatment. They help protect wounds, stop bleeding, and support injured body parts. As you read, you will learn about various types of bandages and how to use them. Also, learn what bandages are used for. These are also taught in a recognized CPR and first aid course

What are Bandages?

Bandages are strips of material used to wrap or cover injuries. They can be made from different materials like cotton, elastic, or plastic. Bandages have several uses:

  • Protect wounds from dirt and germs
  • Stop bleeding
  • Keep medicine on a wound
  • Support injured joints or muscles
  • Hold dressings in place

What Are The Different Types of Bandages?

There are many different types of band aids. Each type has a specific use. Here are 5 types of bandages that are commonly used:

  1. Adhesive Bandages (Band-Aids)

These bandage types stick to the skin around a small wound.


  • Small cuts and scrapes
  • Blisters
  • Protecting minor wounds
  1. Gauze Bandages

These types of bandage are made of loosely woven material. They come in rolls or pre-cut squares.


  • Covering larger wounds
  • Holding dressings in place
  • Making padding for deeper wounds
  1. Elastic Bandages (Ace Wraps)

These bandages stretch and provide compression.


  • Supporting sprains and strains
  • Reducing swelling
  • Securing ice packs to injuries
  1. Triangular Bandages

These types of band aids are large, triangular-shaped pieces of cloth.


  • Making arm slings
  • Covering large wounds
  • Tying splints in place
  1. Cohesive Bandages

These types of bandages stick to themselves. These cannot be used to stick on to skin or hair.


  • Securing dressings
  • Supporting joints
  • Ideal for hairy areas or sensitive skin

Read More: When To Stop Performing CPR? 

How to Use Bandages in First Aid?

Knowing how to use bandages is an essential first-aid skill. Here are some general steps:

  • Clean the wound if possible
  • Depending on the wound, an appropriate bandage should be chosen.
  • Apply the bandage correctly
  • If the bandage is too tight, it might constrict the blood vessels.
  • Check the injury regularly and change the bandage as needed

What Are Some Special Bandaging Techniques?

Some injuries need special bandaging techniques. Here are some commonly used techniques-

  • Pressure Bandages

Used to stop bleeding from deeper wounds.

How to apply:

  • Place a clean pad over the wound
  • Wrap a bandage firmly over the pad
  • If blood soaks through, add more layers without removing the first one
  • Joint Bandages

Used for sprains or strains in joints like ankles or wrists.

How to apply:

  • Start below the joint
  • Wrap in a figure-eight pattern, going above and below the joint
  • Make sure not to wrap too tightly
  • Fingertip Bandages

Used for injuries to the tips of fingers or toes.

How to apply:

  • Start at the base of the finger
  • Wrap towards the tip, then back down
  • This is to be done repeatedly till a cap is formed protecting the tips of the toes or fingers.

What Are The Different Types of Bandages for Different Body Parts?

Different parts of the body may need specific bandaging approaches. Here are some ways different body parts are bandaged.

  •  Head Bandages

Used for head injuries or to hold dressings in place.


  • Use a roll bandage or triangular bandage
  • Make sure it’s not too tight around the neck
  • Leave the ears uncovered if possible
  • Chest Bandages

Used for rib injuries or to hold chest dressings.


  • Use a wide elastic bandage
  • Wrap around the chest during exhalation for comfort
  • Don’t wrap too tightly – it could make breathing difficult
  • Hand and Foot Bandages

Used for injuries to the palms, soles, or multiple fingers/toes.


  • Use gauze or cohesive bandages
  • Leave fingertips or toes exposed to check circulation
  • Be careful not to wrap too tightly

When Not to Use Bandages?

While bandages are very useful, there are times when you shouldn’t use them:

  • On burns that have blistered or are open
  • On animal bites (these need medical attention)
  • If you suspect a broken bone (seek medical help)
  • If the bleeding is severe (apply direct pressure and get emergency help)

Always use your best judgement. If you’re unsure, it’s best to seek medical advice.

How Can You Care for Bandaged Wounds?

Proper care after bandaging is important for healing:

  • Keep the bandaged area clean and dry
  • The bandage must be changed at regular intervals. Ideally, once a day.
  • Keep an eye out for infections like pus, redness, or swelling.
  • If the skin around the bandage gets itchy or irritated, remove the bandage and air out the area.

Read More: The Main Objectives and Goals of First Aid Training

What Are Different Kinds of Bandages to Have in a First Aid Kit?

A well-stocked first aid kit should have various types of bandages. Here’s what to include:

  • Adhesive bandages in different sizes
  • Gauze pads and rolls
  • Elastic bandages
  • Triangular bandages
  • Cohesive bandages
  • Medical tape

What Are Some Alternatives to Traditional Bandages?

Sometimes, you might not have a proper bandage on hand. Here are some alternatives:

  • Clean cloth or t-shirt torn into strips
  • Paper towels secured with tape
  • Sanitary pads for absorbent dressings
  • Plastic wrap for burn coverage (don’t wrap tightly)

Remember, these are temporary solutions. Replace them with proper bandages as soon as possible.


Bandages are an important tool to use in a first-aid procedure. Each type has specific uses, from simple adhesive strips to versatile triangular bandages. While bandages are important, they’re just one part of first aid. Proper wound cleaning, knowing when to seek professional help, and understanding basic first aid principles are all crucial for effective injury care.

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