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Why is BLS Certification Required for an Emergency Medical Team Member?

Last Updated on: March 6, 2024

Imagine this – A medical emergency strikes and someone’s life hangs in the balance. The seconds feel like minutes, and the minutes feel like hours. In these moments, the emergency medical team members provide life-saving care. But what if the team member lacks the necessary skills to save a life? That’s why BLS certification is required for emergency medical team members.

BLS, or Basic Life Support, is the foundation of emergency care. It equips the emergency medical team with life-saving skills. These include administering CPR and using an automated external defibrillator. Earning a Basic Life Support (BLS) certification from a reputable provider is essential. CPR Online Certification is a reputable provider if you’re looking for one.

By obtaining an online BLS training, you can provide the best care to those in need. In any emergency, time is of the essence. Knowing when to call an emergency medical team can make all the difference. Keep reading to gain comprehensive knowledge on the subject.

When does someone call an emergency medical team? 

There are many situations when someone might need to call an emergency medical team. These include: 

  • Chest pain or difficulty in breathing
  • Severe bleeding or injuries
  • Loss of consciousness
  • Seizures or convulsions
  • Severe allergic reactions or anaphylaxis
  • Overdose or poisoning
  • Stroke symptoms such as numbness on one side of the body, trouble speaking, and loss of balance.
  • Heart attack symptoms such as chest pain, shortness of breath, or lightheadedness.


It’s important to remember that these are a few examples. If you are unsure whether to call an emergency medical team, it’s always better to be cautious and make the call. 

What roles and responsibilities do they have? 

Emergency medical team members have a range of responsibilities, including: 

  • Assessing the patient’s condition and providing immediate medical help.
  • Administering medication and performing medical procedures as necessary.
  • Transporting the patient to a medical facility.
  • Communicating with other medical professionals to ensure continuity of care.
  • Documenting patient care and maintaining medical equipment and supplies.

Besides these emergency medical team members also need to work well under pressure. They need to maintain a high level of professionalism and compassion. 


Why do they need advanced life-saving courses like BLS, ACLS, and PALS?

By now you already know why a BLS certification is required. But, as an emergency medical team member, you also need advanced-life saving certifications. These include PALS and ACLS certifications. 

PALS (Pediatric Advanced Life Support) focuses on managing pediatric emergencies. ACLS (Advanced Cardiac Life Support) focuses on managing cardiac emergencies. Both these courses provide knowledge and skills to stabilize patients in critical situations. 

You can get both these certifications from a reputable provider. These BLS classes teach emergency medical team members to recognize and respond to emergencies. They also ensure you do so with high confidence and precision. They help team members develop a deeper understanding of the equipment and techniques.

Advanced life-saving courses aren’t only beneficial for emergency medical team members. Many workplaces like hospitals and nursing homes need employees to have these certifications. This is because emergencies can happen anywhere and anytime. Having trained employees can be critical in saving lives. 

Where can I get BLS certification from? 

Various organizations offer online and offline BLS for healthcare professionals certification courses. It makes it easy for healthcare professionals to get the training they need. One such provider is the CPR Online Certification.

When choosing where to get a  BLS training program, it is essential to consider a few things. These include the reputation of the organization and the quality of the training. Look for recognized organizations that have a track record of providing high-quality training. Make sure all training materials provided are fun, engaging and updated with industry standards.

It is also important to consider the certification cost. Prices can vary depending on the organization and the type of training offered. Look for organizations that offer competitive pricing and discounts. 

Ensure the training you pick makes you feel confident when performing life-saving techniques. 


Emergency medical team members play a crucial role in providing life-saving care. It is why they need special skills through certifications like BLS, ACLS, and PALS. These certifications provide the necessary technical knowledge. They also develop critical thinking and decision-making abilities. Interested in pursuing these certifications? Get them from a reputable provider like the CPR Online Certification.

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