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How can CPR certification boost your resume?

Last Updated on: July 11, 2024

Table of content(s)

  1. Introduction
  2. Does knowing first aid and CPR improve your candidacy?
  3. What are the benefits of the CPR training listed on your resume?
  4. How do you list CPR certification on your resume?
  5. Conclusion


It is challenging to get a job, and you need to be at the top of your game to get the position you have been looking for. Adding crucial courses and certificates is one of the best things to include in a resume. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation certification has become essential for many jobs and industries. Whether you are an emergency medical technician or a first responder, it is important to have CPR skills. If you want to become a medical professional, keep reading how CPR certification on resume can be advantageous:


Does knowing CPR skills improve your opportunities?

Before you explore the benefits associated with them, it is crucial to look at this important question, ‘is CPR a skill for a resume?’ The answer is yes; first aid and CPR certification will improve your opportunities for employment. CPR training is crucial in several fields, including first responders, teachers, and healthcare service providers.

Moreover, first aid knowledge is helpful during career hunting. People have emergencies in several circumstances. Most serious health emergencies occur outside of hospitals.

A coworker can suffer due to cardiac arrest in the workplace. In such instances, an immediate response can help. If you have the knowledge to offer immediate assistance and boost recovery, it can turn in your favor. This is also one of the things that employers are looking for. Even if first aid and CPR are not listed as mandatory skills, if you have them, it can make a great first impression.

Read More: What are the different levels of CPR certification training?


What are the benefits of the CPR training listed on your resume?

Apart from the advantages already mentioned below, there are several reasons why a being CPR certified on resume is beneficial:

  • Dedication to continuous learning: Several individuals stop their professional development either at a college or a university. Having a degree, particularly one in the social sciences, should be the starting point. Every profession is dynamic, and that means that it is important to update oneself in order to remain relevant as well as gain more detailed knowledge about the specific sector one is practicing in. To include CPR certification in the resume implies that the individual is ready to learn and will not cease to learn whatsoever.
  • Commitment to mutual good: Knowing CPR is advantageous to the people one interacts with. An employer can easily assume that being CPR certified means that the employees are focused on the welfare of everyone. Such an attitude will put you in the category of valued staff. Getting along with others and ensuring the safety of colleagues creates a positive work atmosphere.
  • Sense of responsibility: How many people in the United States are aware of the CPR technique? Well, a poll indicated that less than half of the population of the United States had the required skills to perform the act. Even worse, fewer participants are capable of estimating the right rate for chest compressions: only 11 percent. <br> But heart attacks outside the hospital claim the lives of nearly 383,000 people every year. CPR given early can increase one’s chances of survival by a minimum of double, and it may even triple, especially in a case of cardiac arrest. Therefore, knowing how to perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation, or CPR is critical. That is a clear indication that you are an accountable human being, and most companies out there would love to have such a person.
  • Willingness to take the initiative: Why be hired on the basis of meeting certain qualifications when it is possible to have a CPR certification on your own? It’s far wiser to get first aid and CPR certifications yourself to be prepared in case of an emergency. It’ll take you a bit of spare time to become certified to be a CPR provider. It’s that simple, and it does not even pinch much. This act of initiation shows a proactive character and is a beneficial trait.

Read More: CPR Certification: Jobs in Non-Medical Roles Needing CPR Skills


How do you list CPR certification on your resume?

The benefits listed above suggest that you should list CPR on your resume. But how do we do that? Let’s find out.

  • The simplest way to do so is to include a ‘certifications’ section after listing your professional skills. This will look good, especially if you have acquired other certifications to list.
  • Additionally, you can add a skills section to the CV. Provide information about the skills that can make you a valuable candidate.
  • It is also a good idea to mention the authority and the validity of the certificate.
  • Is it accepted across the United States? 
  • How long will your certificate be valid? 
  • Is the program aligned with the best practices of the industry, 

List these down in bullet format to provide the key essentials.



So if you are wondering, ‘should I put CPR certification on my resume?’ Yes, you should as it is crucial to use every skill to your advantage and make the most of the opportunities. CPR certification on resume can boost your employment chance even if CPR is not a requirement for a position. Hence, do not hesitate to seek online CPR certification and include it in your resume. As 100,000 Americans suffer cardiac arrest out of hospital, you can help make a difference and treat such emergencies, whenever required.

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